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A free download of Monica Cheesbrough's book "Maximize Your Success: 4 Tips for Increasing Productivity" is available here. This book explains how to increase productivity, and there are four main steps they provide readers with: 1) Maximize your creativity-the author suggests that readers can improve their creativity by going on a brainstorming session, taking some time out to daydream, and paying attention to what new ideas come up. 2) Keep track of your work-it's important for readers to note what skill they're developing at the moment or any future project on which they'll be working. This will help them recall where they've been at any point in the future. 3) Make sure you've got a good mentor-the author suggests that readers make sure they have a mentor who can provide them with guidance and help them with their projects. 4) Taking time out to enjoy the weekend-the author explains that readers would benefit from taking some time off on the weekends, as this will help them recharge. This free download is available at the following link: com/Maximize-Success-Cosmic-Transcending-Transformation/dp/1418478827 com/u/0/+MonicaCheesbrough!/monicacheesebrough1 cfa1e77820